M. Saraç, "Perception and Implementation of Sustainability in Institutional Customers of Islamic Banks: Empirical Evidence From Turkey," In ISLAMIC PERSPECTIVE FOR SUSTAINABLE FINANCIAL SYSTEM , İstanbul: Istanbul University Press, 2020, pp.173-202.
Saraç, M. Perception and Implementation of Sustainability in Institutional Customers of Islamic Banks: Empirical Evidence From Turkey. 2020. In ISLAMIC PERSPECTIVE FOR SUSTAINABLE FINANCIAL SYSTEM , Istanbul University Press, İstanbul, 173-202.
Saraç, M., (2020). Perception and Implementation of Sustainability in Institutional Customers of Islamic Banks: Empirical Evidence From Turkey. ISLAMIC PERSPECTIVE FOR SUSTAINABLE FINANCIAL SYSTEM (pp.173-202), İstanbul: Istanbul University Press.
Saraç, Mehmet. "Perception and Implementation of Sustainability in Institutional Customers of Islamic Banks: Empirical Evidence From Turkey." In ISLAMIC PERSPECTIVE FOR SUSTAINABLE FINANCIAL SYSTEM , 173-202. İstanbul: Istanbul University Press, 2020
Saraç, Mehmet. "Perception and Implementation of Sustainability in Institutional Customers of Islamic Banks: Empirical Evidence From Turkey." ISLAMIC PERSPECTIVE FOR SUSTAINABLE FINANCIAL SYSTEM , Istanbul University Press, 2020, pp.173-202.
Saraç, M. (2020) "Perception and Implementation of Sustainability in Institutional Customers of Islamic Banks: Empirical Evidence From Turkey", ISLAMIC PERSPECTIVE FOR SUSTAINABLE FINANCIAL SYSTEM . İstanbul: Istanbul University Press.
@bookchapter{bookchapter, author ={Mehmet SARAÇ}, chaptertitle={Perception and Implementation of Sustainability in Institutional Customers of Islamic Banks: Empirical Evidence From Turkey}, booktitle={ ISLAMIC PERSPECTIVE FOR SUSTAINABLE FINANCIAL SYSTEM}, publisher={Istanbul University Press}, city={İstanbul},year={2020} }