Supported Projects
2016 - 2018 Elektromanyetik Moment Ölçümleri ile Farklı Reaksiyonlarda Nükleer Spin Yönelimleri
2010 - 2012 Uygulamalı ve Temel Araştırmalarda Yeni Bir Sintilatör Malzemesi Olarak LantanyumBromür
2005 - 2009 European nuclear structure integrated infrastructure initiative (EURONS):Research Activities of Southeast and Northeast European Nuclear Physics Groups at the European Large Scale Facilities: Status and Future Possibilities
1995 - 1997 Formation Cross Section Measurements of Short-lived Nuclei in The Energy Range from 13.6 to 14.9 MeV
1990 - 1995 Nuclear Measurements Techniques