1985 - 1991 Doctorate
Istanbul University, Institute of Social Sciences, Tarih-Genel Türk Tarihi, Turkey
1983 - 1985 Postgraduate
Istanbul University, Institute of Social Sciences, Tarih-Genel Türk Tarihi, Turkey
1979 - 1983 Undergraduate
Istanbul University, Faculty Of Literature, Tarih, Turkey
1991 Doctorate
“II. Abdülhamid ve İslam Birliği
Istanbul University, Faculty of Literature, Tarih
1985 Postgraduate
“II. Abdülhamid Devrinde Osmanlı Devleti Dâhilinde ve Afrika’da İslam Birliği Faaliyetleri”
Istanbul University, Faculty of Literature, Tarih
B2 Upper Intermediate English