3rd International Aquatic Biotechnology Symposium

Etkinlik Kategorisi: Bilimsel Kongre / Sempozyum Organizasyonu

Etkinlik Türü: Sempozyum

Etkinlik Organizasyonu Yılı: 2024

Katılımcı Sayısı: 150


Today, the world faces various challenges including climate change and global warming, increasing population, rising food and energy demand, and environmental pollution.

Water and food security have become the biggest problem faced by humanity in this century. The scientists' quest for innovative resources and their drive to enhance existing conditions guided them toward the promising field of aquatic biotechnology.

Aquatic life displays a rich diversity within its habitats, characterized by extensive variations in physical, chemical, and hydrological factors such as temperature, light intensity, salinity, and pressure. Adaptation to these conditions is evident in the wide array of forms, functions, and strategies developed by aquatic organisms. In contrast to terrestrial environments, aquatic resources offer a wealth of discoveries and opportunities. Aquatic biotechnology is the creation of products and processes from aquatic organisms through the application of the techniques of biotechnology, chemistry, molecular and cellular biology,  bioinformatics and engineering. This is a scientifically fascinating and economically expanding field of science. No ecosystems provide greater genetic diversity or possibilities for new products and processes than the world's marine environments. Aquatic organisms, from bacteria to eukaryotes are certainly a source of molecules of great interest in biotechnology. Today, aquatic biotechnology has numerous applications from the production of lifesaving drugs to better food and conservation of organic waste. The 5 main areas targeted by Aquatic Biotechnology are FOOD (innovative methods for aquaculture), ENERGY (biofuels), HEALTH (discovery of new bioactive components), INDUSTRY (biopolymers) and ENVIROMENT (biosensing and non-toxic antifouling technologies).

We take great pleasure in organizing the platform, which will be the meeting point of scientists and industry representatives from various branches such as environmental and marine scientists, chemists, pharmacist, biologists and molecular biologists on this very important issue. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2nd International Aquatic Biotechnology Symposium was held online on 14-15 October 2021 with 5 keynote, 17 oral and 18 poster presentations from over the world. A total of 262 people from 12 countries attended the symposium. We are about to start working for the next edition of the Aquatic Biotechnology Symposium. It will be held on 25-27 September 2024 in Istanbul, after three years from the previous one. The 3rd International Aquatic Biotechnology Symposium will feature three days of scientific sessions, keynote speakers, oral/poster presentations and plenary lectures. Guided by the traditions of previous ones, the main purpose of this event is to bring together academicians, students and business professionals to present their works on this academic platform. This meeting offers special opportunities to network with aquatic sciences, environmental engineering, chemists, biologists, and environmental scientists from different countries and to discuss the latest scientific improvements and techniques in the field of aquatic biotechnology. I strongly hope that an exceptional scientific program and excellent social events will be a rewarding experience for all participants. The magnificent city of İstanbul guarantees unforgettable memories.

I invite you to discover more about this congress on the website, which will be regularly updated. I also invite you to register and submit your abstracts.

Check already on your agenda these days! We look forward to meeting you in İstanbul!

Prof. Dr. Melek İşinibilir OKYAR (Chair) & Prof. Dr. Meriç ALBAY (Co-Chair)

(On Behalf of the Organising Committee)