Publications & Works

Published journal articles indexed by SCI, SSCI, and AHCI

Articles Published in Other Journals

Refereed Congress / Symposium Publications in Proceedings

Beta decay along the N=Z line and its relevance in rp-process and X-Ray bursts

10th Conference on Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics (NPA), Geneva, Switzerland, 5 - 09 September 2022 Creative Commons License identifier

Assessment of Radiotoxic Po-210 Activity Concentrations in Various Food Products Grown in Turkey

International Dumlupınar Science and Mathematics Congress 2022, Kütahya, Turkey, 5 - 07 September 2022, vol.1, pp.1

Production of Radiological Dose Map of Bosphorus, Istanbul

International Dumlupınar Science and Mathematics Congress 2022, Kütahya, Turkey, 5 - 07 September 2022, vol.1, pp.1

Investigation of Radionuclides in Plants Planted with Various Fertilizers by using Gamma Spectroscopy Method

International Dumlupınar Science and Mathematics Congress 2022, Kütahya, Turkey, 5 - 07 September 2022, vol.1, pp.10

Lifetime measurements of the low lying non-yrast structure of 102Mo

International Nuclear Physics conference, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 29 July - 02 August 2019, pp.232-233 Creative Commons License

“High resolution studies of Charge Exchange on 47,48Ti in comparison with the Shell Model calculations”

Probing fundamental interactions by low energy excitations ---Advances in theoretical nuclear physics”, Stockholm, Sweden, 5 - 08 June 2019, pp.1

Total absorption studies of high priority decays for reactor applications: Br-86 and Rb-91

International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology (ND), Bruges, Belgium, 11 - 16 September 2016, vol.146 identifier identifier

TAGS measurements of Nb-100 ground and isomeric states and Cs-140 for neutrino physics with the new DTAS detector

International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology (ND), Bruges, Belgium, 11 - 16 September 2016, vol.146 identifier identifier

Measurement of the heaviest beta-delayed 2-neutron emitter: Sb-136

International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology (ND), Bruges, Belgium, 11 - 16 September 2016, vol.146 identifier identifier

Strong gamma-ray emission from neutron unbound states populated in beta-decay: Impact on (n,gamma) cross-section estimates

International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology (ND), Bruges, Belgium, 11 - 16 September 2016, vol.146 identifier identifier

New accurate measurements of neutron emission probabilities for relevant fission products

International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology (ND), Bruges, Belgium, 11 - 16 September 2016, vol.146 identifier identifier

Competition of beta-delayed protons and beta-delayed gamma rays in Zn-56 and the exotic beta-delayed gamma-proton decay

12th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions, Catania, Italy, 21 June 2015 - 26 June 2016, vol.117 identifier identifier

Low-Energy Super Gamow-Teller State

2nd Conference on Advances in Radioactive Isotope Science ARIS2014, Tokyo, Japan, 01 June 2014, vol.6, no.30043, pp.1-4

Investigating Neutron-Proton Pairing in sd-Shell Nuclei via (p,3He) and (3He,p) Transfer Reactions

2nd Conference on Advances in Radioactive Isotope Science ARIS2014, Tokyo, Japan, 1 - 06 June 2014, vol.6, no.30039, pp.1-4

Beta decay of exotic T-Z =-1,-2 nuclei: the interesting case of Zn-56

International Nuclear Physics Conference (INPC), Firenze, Italy, 2 - 07 June 2013, vol.66 identifier identifier

Triaxial deformation and nuclear shape transition in 192Au

International Nuclear Physics Conference INPC2013, Florence, Italy, 1 - 04 June 2013, vol.02

High Resolution study of Gamow-Teller transitions in the 47Ti(3He,t)47V reaction

2nd International Conference on Nuclear Structure and Dynamics, Buchaest, Romania, 16 - 21 September 2012, pp.68 Creative Commons License

Investigationof Gamow-Teller Transitions by Using 92Zr(3He,t)92Nb Reaction

Türk Fizik Derneği 28. Uluslararası Fizik Kongresi, Muğla, Turkey, 6 - 09 September 2012, pp.327-328 Creative Commons License

Beta Decay Of Exotic T-Z =-1 And T-Z =-2 Nuclei

2nd International Conference on Nuclear Structure and Dynamics, Opatija, Croatia, 9 - 13 July 2012, vol.1491, pp.81-84 identifier identifier

Gamow-Teller transitions starting from Tz=+3/2 nucleus 47Ti

3rd International Conference on Frontiers in Nuclear Structure, Astrophysics, and Reactions, FINUSTAR 3, Rhodes, Greece, 23 - 27 August 2010, vol.1377, pp.126-130 identifier identifier

Alpha-Decay Studies of 172-Au, 168-Ir, 164 Re Chain and Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy of 172-Au

The 48th Winter Nuclear and Particle Physics Conference, Banff, Alberta, Canada, 18 - 20 February 2011

Precise branching ratio of 24mAl beta decay

International Nuclear Physics Conference 2010, INPC2010, Vancouver, Canada, 4 - 09 July 2010, vol.312 identifier identifier

Gamow-Teller Transitions Starting from T-z=+3/2 Nucleus Sc-45

3rd International Conference on Frontiers in Nuclear Structure, Astrophysics and Reactions (FINUSTAR), Rhodes, Greece, 23 - 27 August 2010, vol.1377, pp.435-437 identifier identifier

Probing the Collective Degrees of Freedom at the Proton Drip Line in the Extremely Neutron Deficient Hg-172

4th International Conference on Proton Emitting Nuclei and Related Topics, Bordeaux, France, 6 - 10 June 2011, vol.1409 identifier identifier

High-resolution study of Fe-56 -> Mn-56 Gamow-Teller transition by the combined analysis of Fe-56(He-3,t)Co-56 and Fe-56(p,p ')Fe-56 reactions

10th International Symposium on Origin of Matter and Evolution of Galaxies (OMEG10), Osaka, Japan, 8 - 10 March 2010, vol.1269, pp.427-428 identifier identifier

Tz = ±1®0 Mirror Gamow-Teller Transitions in pf-shell Nuclei

ENAM08, The Fifth International Conference on Exotic Nuclei and Atomic Masses, Poland, 1 - 04 August 2008, pp.1

A systematic study in the region of N=86-98

6th International Conference of the Balkan-Physical-Union, İstanbul, Turkey, 22 - 26 August 2006, vol.899, pp.111-112 identifier identifier

Evidence for enhanced collectivity in Te-I-Xe nuclei near the N=Z=50 double shell closure

International Conference on Proton Emitting Nuclei and Related Topics, Lisbon, Portugal, 17 - 23 June 2007, vol.961, pp.156-158 identifier identifier

A systematic Study of The Region N=86-98

6th International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, Turkey, 1 - 04 August 2006, pp.120

First identification of gamma-rays in Te-106 using recoil decay tagging technique

International Conference on Frontiers in Nuclear Structure, Astrophysics and Reactions (FINUSTAR), Kos, Greece, 12 - 17 September 2005, vol.831, pp.457-458 identifier




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