Publications & Works

Published journal articles indexed by SCI, SSCI, and AHCI

Articles Published in Other Journals

Refereed Congress / Symposium Publications in Proceedings

Bir s-normuyla Donatılmış Orlicz Uzaylarının Dual Uzayları

36. Ulusal Matematik Sempozyumu, Amasya, Turkey, 9 - 12 September 2024, pp.34

Orlicz Amalgam Spaces

6th International Workshop on Function Theory (IWFT6), Jeju-Si, South Korea, 18 - 22 October 2023, pp.1

Wiener type Orlicz Algebras

Harmonic and Spectral Analysis 2023, Debrecen, Hungary, 4 - 06 October 2022, pp.1

Closedness of extreme point of Orlicz spaces

XII Annual International Conference of the Georgian Mathematical Union, Batumi, Georgia, 29 August - 03 September 2022

Classification of s-Norms

Georgian Mathematical Union XII Annual International Conference, Batumi, Georgia, 29 August - 03 September 2022, pp.64

Bilinear multipliers in Orlicz spaces on locally compact groups

Canadian Abstract Harmonic Analysis Symposium (CAHAS), Banff, Canada, 17 - 19 June 2022, pp.1

Bilinear multipliers on Orlicz spaces

Time-Frequency Representations for Function Spaces (TIFREFUS), Novi-Sad, Serbia, 11 - 13 April 2022

Twisted Orlicz algebras and locally compact groups

Harmonic and Spectral Analysis, Debrecen, Hungary, 8 - 10 June 2020, pp.14

Orlicz Algebras on Locally Compact Groups

The 48th Canadian Operator Symposium, Toronto, Canada, 25 - 29 May 2020, pp.2

A survey of Orlicz algebras on locally Compact groups

International Workshop on Harmonic Analysis and Operator Theory WHO19, İstanbul, Turkey, 26 August - 29 October 2019, pp.35

Gabor Analysis on Heisenberg-Type Group Extensions

International Workshop on Operator Theory and Applications, Şangay, China, 23 - 27 July 2018, pp.1

Twisted Orlicz Algebras as Operator Algebras

Advanced Courses in Operator Theory and Complex Analysis, Bolonya, Italy, 11 - 14 June 2018, pp.14

Some Properties of Orlicz Algebras on Groups

the 6th Workshop on Fourier Analysis and Related Fields, Pecs, Hungary, 23 - 31 August 2017, pp.1

A New Approach to Orlicz spaces on Groups

ATFA Aspects of Time Frequence Analysis, Torino, Italy, 5 - 07 June 2017, pp.1

A New Approach to Feichtinger Algebras

HFS Hilbert Function Spaces 2017, Gargnano, Italy, 29 May - 02 June 2017, pp.1

A Note on Twisted Orlicz Algebras

Recent Advances in Operator Theory and Operator Algebras, Bangalore, India, 13 - 22 December 2016, pp.9

Twisted Orlicz Algebra

Time-Frequency Analysis and Related Topics, Strobl, Austria, 6 - 10 June 2016, pp.24

Minimal Segal algebra in the Figa-Talamanca-Herz algebra

10th ISAAC Congress, Macou, China, 3 - 08 August 2015, pp.44-45

A Note on p- Feichtinger Algebras

7th. Conference on Function Spaces at SIUE, Edwardsville, Edwardsville, United States Of America, 20 - 24 May 2014, pp.24

A Note on weighted Orlicz Algebras

Banach Algebras and Applications, Gothenburg, Sweden, 29 July - 04 August 2013, pp.31

On weighted Orlicz Algebras

International Conference on Abstract Harmonic Analysis (Çağrılı Konuşmacı), Granada, Spain, 20 - 24 May 2013, pp.21

“ p-Operator algebra”

The International Workshop on Functional Analysis, Timisoara, Romania, 1 - 04 October 2012, pp.1

Öztop S. “ A Note on Weighted L1(G) and Multipliers”,

Abstract Harmonic Analysis Conference 2011, Chern Matematik Enstitüsü, Nankai Üniversity, (Çağrılı konuşmacı)., China, 1 - 04 June 2011, pp.1

“On Weighted -Modules”

Satallite Conference on Harmonic Analysis, SATEHA-ICM 2010, Bhubaneswar-, India, 1 - 04 September 2010, pp.1

“ Weighted Ap(G) Modules”

,The Sixth Conference on Function Spaces, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville,, United States Of America, 1 - 04 May 2010, pp.1

A Characterization for Multipliers of some Weighted L1(G,A) -Modules

MASSE International Congress on Mathematics MICOM2009, Macedonia, 1 - 04 September 2009, pp.26

A Characterization for Multipliers of Weighted Banach Valued Lp(G) spaces

7th ISAAC Congress, United Kingdom, 1 - 04 July 2009, pp.58

A Note on Multipliers of weighted Lp(G,A) spaces

Conference on Time-Frequency Analysis, Austria, 1 - 04 June 2009, pp.58

On Multipliers of Lp(G,A)

The 20th International Congress of Jangjeon Mathematical Society, Turkey, 1 - 04 August 2008, pp.78

A Note on Weighted L1-Modules

International Sociey for Analysis its Applications and Computation-6th ISAAC Congress, Turkey, 1 - 04 August 2007, pp.15

Weighted Almost Periodicity

International Congress of Mathematicians, ICM2006, Spain, 1 - 04 August 2006, pp.21

On the multipliers of Ap,q,w(G)

International Conference Function Spaces, Differential Operators, Nonlinear Analysis -FSDONA-04, Czech Republic, 1 - 04 June 2004, pp.12

A note on the Ap,q - modules

International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications, Austria, 1 - 04 May 2003, pp.15

Construction and analysis of Ap,q,w(G) algebra

International Congress of Mathematicians, Beijing, China, 1 - 04 December 2002, no.1, pp.19-30

A note on the multipliers of some weighted intersection function spaces

XIV.Ulusal Matematik Sempozyumu, Eskişehir, Turkey, 1 - 04 September 2001, pp.58

A note on multipliers of Banach valued Lp spaces related to normed algebras

International Conference Function Spaces, Differential Operators, Nonlinear Analysis-FSDONA-01, Germany, 1 - 04 April 2001, no.1, pp.19

Multipliers and Tensor Products on the space Dp,q,w

XI. Ulusal Matematik Sempozyumu, Isparta, Turkey, 1 - 04 September 1998, pp.56

On some properties of Ap,q(G) algebras

X.Ulusal matematik Sempozyumu, Bolu, Turkey, 1 - 04 September 1997, pp.22

Ağırlıklı L1(G)nLp(G) Uzayları ve bazı özellikleri

VI.Ulusal Matematik Sempozyumu, Gazimagusa, Cyprus (Kktc), 1 - 04 September 1993, pp.58

Books & Book Chapters

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