Cho H., Hwang S., Shin D.(Yürütücü)
Diğer Ülkelerdeki Kamu Kurumları Tarafından Desteklenmiş Proje, 2009 - 2010
Sijipsali-Narrative, which states the experience of hard married life, has a wide variety of forms and contents. It is because the narraters came from different regions and had a wide spectrum of classes and occupational backgrounds, and so there were extremely different living experiences about husband's homes. It also increases the diversity of Sijipsali-Narrative’s forms that all narraters were not the same in their characters and preferences. In addition, the ability and method in narrating contributes to its variety.
The fact that, contrary to a folktale, Sijipsali-Narrative consists of random and variable stories without fixed patterns may be one of the elements that make discourse aspects various. However, it is possible that there are certain types in Sijipsali-Narrative. We can draw a few types considering the themes expressed in the inside of narration in that the type is distinguished from the aspects of stories' contents.
This dissertation aims at the arrangement of the types and transmission aspects in Sijipsali-Narratives selected and recorded in South Korea. It is intended to build the foundation through which in detail we can examine Sijipsali-Narratives orally narrated in fields and effectively we can mention how Sijipsali-Narratives has been passed down.