Black Sea Smart Marine Environmental Outcome System

Fodul M. K., Demirel N., Buga L., Kordzakhia G.

AB Destekli Diğer Projeler, 2024 - 2027

  • Proje Türü: AB Destekli Diğer Projeler
  • Başlama Tarihi: Temmuz 2024
  • Bitiş Tarihi: Nisan 2027

Proje Özeti

The Black Sea has an important blue growth potential providing unique opportunities for a variety of blue economy sectors. Increasing ecosystem resilience, assessing, and mitigating the impacts of the increasingly complex array of multi-stressors, revealing their poorly understood interactions from the land-sea interface, including the connection with rivers and supporting the development of blue sectors, have become important challenges for the Black Sea. Advancing a shared vision for a productive, healthy, resilient, sustainable and highly valued Black Sea by 2030 has become an urgent priority in preventing the negative synergistic impact of natural and human induced pressures and supporting a clean and green region. For this reason, continuous observation is necessary to understand the ecosystem dynamics in coastal areas and to follow the changes.

BS-SEOS is aiming to obtain a standardized communication means for databases collecting environmental and associated data from online mobile stations (smart buoys and autonomous surface vehicles) and from other national/European databases so as to enable partnering institutions and third-party organizations running their own environmental models including data from all regions and sharing their results. The main objective of this project is to establish a standardized communication system for collecting and sharing environmental data from mobile stations and existing databases in the Black Sea region. This will facilitate cross-border cooperation, bridge data gaps, and enable partnering institutions to run environmental models and share their results effectively. By leveraging AI forecasting techniques, the project intends to bring about a transformative change in the current situation. The integration of AI forecasting into the project allows to harness the power of data analysis, machine learning, and predictive modeling to generate accurate and reliable forecasts. This will enable us to make informed decisions, anticipate future trends, and effectively address the challenges in Black Sea. Within this scope, it will be possible to test both in situ and innovative methods, choose indicator parameters with high representative values for observing the marine environment, and implement methods that will provide continuous data flow. The most important five key parameters are chosen for continuous monitoring such as temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, Chlorophyll-a and pH for comprehensive assessment while monitoring marine ecosystem health. Key parameters will be observed by passive samplers and sensor technologies, which can complement satellite observations and provide continuous and real-time data flow by adapting to floating buoys, as well as by in situ research to validate and calibrate data collected through novel technologies.

BS-SEOS has the potential to benefit scientists, environmental managers, policymakers, conservation organizations, fisheries and aquaculture industries, coastal communities, recreational users, and education and outreach initiatives. The project's outputs contribute to scientific knowledge, inform decision-making processes, guide conservation efforts, promote sustainable practices, and raise public awareness about the importance of marine ecosystem health. BS-SEOS will develop a dedicated platform for sharing data and results. This platform will serve as a centralized hub where participating organizations can upload, access, and analyze regional data, fostering collaboration and maximizing the collective benefits of regional efforts. The planned approach involves close collaboration among partnering institutions, environmental agencies, and relevant stakeholders across the Black Sea region. This cooperative effort will ensure the harmonization of data collection methods, data sharing protocols, and analysis techniques. By pooling resources, expertise, and data, the project will leverage the collective knowledge and capabilities of the participating organizations to address the common environmental challenges faced by the Black Sea region effectively. The establishment of a standardized communication system and the implementation of innovative data collection methods will require cross-border coordination and information sharing. By fostering transnational cooperation, the project will maximize the utilization of available resources and expertise, leading to a more comprehensive and robust understanding of the environmental dynamics in the Black Sea region.