Improving Women CSOs Collaboration with Municipalities for Gender Equal Urban Governance Project

Creative Commons License

Akduran Erol Ö., Aktaş Mazman Ö.(Yürütücü)

Elçilik Hibe Programı Projesi , 2020 - 2020

  • Proje Türü: Elçilik Hibe Programı Projesi
  • Başlama Tarihi: Temmuz 2020
  • Bitiş Tarihi: Aralık 2020

Proje Özeti

Improving Women CSOs Collaboration with Municipalities for Gender Equal Urban Governance project aims at enhancing gender equality in urban governance in Turkey with the support of Consulate General of Sweden in Istanbul. The project aims to improve the collaboration between women civil society organisations (CSOs) and municipalities in Turkey. It aims to a) create opportunities for women CSOs and municipalities for co-planning gender sensitive city strategic plans and b) provide means for monitoring and evaluating these plans for a more gender equal urban governance. The project is implemented in four cities namely İstanbul, İzmir, Gaziantep and Kars.

Increased women CSOs – municipality collaboration for more gender equal urban governance will be possible with increased knowledge, network, and experience. This project aims to increase the knowledge of women CSOs on democratic collaboration with municipalities by delivering trainings on concepts and methods that they will be able to apply for co-planning the municipal strategic plans. This practice will enhance more stable and democratic interaction between women CSOs and municipalities. This project will encourage women CSOs to join the local women parliaments of Citizen Assemblies. These parliaments are not only local networks of women CSOs, but they also have the opportunities to participate in urban governance through City Council meetings. The project will also provide knowledge and means for monitoring and evaluating municipal strategic plans to increase women CSOs – municipality collaboration for a more gender equal urban governance.