Beam Trawl Surveys For Black Sea Rapa Whelk 2020-2021

Karakulak F. S. (Yürütücü), Uzer U., Gönülal O.

Birleşmiş Milletler Kalkınma Programı – UNDP Destekli Proje, 2020 - 2021

  • Proje Türü: Birleşmiş Milletler Kalkınma Programı – UNDP Destekli Proje
  • Başlama Tarihi: Ağustos 2020
  • Bitiş Tarihi: Temmuz 2021

Proje Özeti

The General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM), at its forty-second session Commission (FAO headquarters, Italy, November 2018), decided to establish a regional research programme towards the sustainable exploitation of rapa whelk (Rapana venosa) in the Black Sea (Recommendation GFCM/42/2018/9 on a regional research programme for rapa whelk fisheries in the Black Sea (geographical subarea 29)).

The workshop “Workshop on the harmonization of data collection at landing sites and in scientific surveys-at-sea” was organized (Burgas Bulgaria, April 2019) and attended by Black Sea experts. One of the main outputs of this workshop was a protocol document Beam trawl surveys for Black Sea Rapa Whelk (In: Workshop on the harmonization of data collection at landing sites and in scientific surveys-at-sea”, meetings/detail/en/c/1196000/; hereafter the “GUIDELINES”) specifying the modalities for the preparation and execution of the rapa whelk beam surveys, including, among other things, specifications of  the sampling gear and detailed descriptions of the sampling protocol. This pre-survey template should be filled to provide the basic information of the scientific beam trawl survey planned by Black Sea experts, as well as a pre-survey template a map for proposed sampling stations and the names of the experts foreseen to participate in the surveys.