Experimental Determination of Magnetic Dipole Hyperfine Structure Constants For Levels of the Configuraiton 3d44p of Atomic Vanadium

GÜZELÇİMEN F., Demir G., BAŞAR G., ÖZTÜRK İ., Kröger S., Ferber R., ...More

44th Conference of The European Group on Atomic Systems (EGAS), Sweden, 1 - 04 July 2012, pp.147

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Summary Text
  • Country: Sweden
  • Page Numbers: pp.147
  • Istanbul University Affiliated: Yes


This study is a continuation of our previous work on the 3d-shell transition metal Vanadium [1]. A systematic study of the Fourier Transform (FT) spectra of V shows that the hyperfine structure of several high-lying energy levels of atomic V is not known up to now.

High-resolution FT Spectroscopy was applied at the Laser Centre of the University of Latvia to record the spectra of a Vanadium hollow cathode discharge in the wavelength range from 360 nm to 660 nm. In the present work, particular focus is put on transitions including levels of the configuration 3d44p. The search for such lines was done with a classification program [2], confirming the classi cations given in reference [3].

In the overview of the FT spectra, the corresponding spectral lines have low intensities. Therefore, the optical bandpass interference lters have been inserted in the set-up of the FT Spectrometer to increase the signal to noise ratio.

In total, 46 spectral lines have been investigated. Due to a Doppler limited experimental method, most of these lines show totally unresolved or partially unresolved hyperfine structure. We were able to determine the magnetic dipole hyperfine structure constants A for levels of the configuration 3d44p only, because we used for our analysis the known A values of the levels of even parity previously published in [4 - 9].

As a result, 23 new magnetic dipole hyperfine structure constants A are presented for the high-lying multiplets 4P, 6F, 6D, 2G, 4I, 4H of the odd parity con guration 3d44p. In some cases, more than one spectral line is available to determine the hyperfine structure constant A for a level; thence using uncertainty as weight, the weighted mean value Amean is calculated.