Sanskrit Loanwords in Uighur–Mongolian Script Texts

Ölmez M.

Permanent International Altaistic Conference 66ᵗʰ Annual Meeting, June 30th to July5th, 2024, Göttingen, Germany, 30 June - 05 July 2024

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Unpublished
  • City: Göttingen
  • Country: Germany
  • Istanbul University Affiliated: Yes


Sanskrit Loanwords in Uighur–Mongolian Script Texts


Mehmet ÖLMEZ

Istanbul University


Between Turkic and Mongolian languages on mutual borrowings, there are at least two (may be three) steps:


1) Unknown period (dark period ?)

2) 6th – 12th centuries

3) After 13th century


My topic is limited to Sanskrit words in Mongolian which were borrowed through Uyghur language.

Those Sanskrit words were also borrowed into Uyghur in different ways:

1) Mo. abida < Uygh. < Chin. a-mi-tuo (~ *amita) < Skr. amitābha

2) Mo. abidarim < Uyg. abidarim << Skr. abhidharma (<< = < Tocharian)

3) Mo. čiγsabd < Uyg. čixšapat < Sogd. < Skr. śikṣāpada


My paper deals with details on Buddhist Sanskrit terms which were written in Uyghur-Mongolian script.