2D observation of a small active region in H alpha

Gultekin A., Bostanci Z. F., Al Erdogan N.

Coimbra Solar Physics Meeting on the Physics of Chromospheric Plasmas, Coimbra, Portugal, 9 - 13 October 2006, vol.368, pp.119-122 identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • Volume: 368
  • City: Coimbra
  • Country: Portugal
  • Page Numbers: pp.119-122
  • Istanbul University Affiliated: Yes


A small active region on the solar chromosphere was observed with high spatial and spectral resolution in Ha. The data were obtained with the Gottingen Fabry-Perot Spectrometer mounted in the Vacuum Tower Telescope at the Observatorio del Teide in May 2002. Intensity and velocity maps for different line widths were derived over the two-dimensional field of view by applying the Lambdameter method. Some physical parameters like the source function, the line-of-sight velocity, the Doppler width, and the optical depth of fibril-like structures were determined using Beckers' cloud model. First results of this study are presented.