ANNALS OF PHYSICS, vol.445, 2022 (SCI-Expanded)
In this manuscript, we develop the counterpart of Tsallis holo-graphic dark energy (THDE) model in F(7z, T) theory (where 7z represents Ricci scalar and T is trace of energy momentum tensor (EMT)) using the two IR-cutoffs namely Hubble horizon (HH) and Granda-Oliveros (GO). The THDE is proposed on the basis of Tsallis entropy (Tsallis and Cirto, 2013) and the holo-graphic hypothesis (Tavayef, 2018). Cosmic evolution is analyzed using the equation of state (EOS) parameter which results in both quintessence and phantom regimes. The stability analysis of reconstructed models is also made with the help of squared speed of sound. Moreover, we study the thermodynamic picture and developed constraints for the validity of generalized sec-ond law of thermodynamics (GSLT). It is remarked that these reconstructed models can be useful to further explore the cosmic issues. (c) 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.