Book Review Ana I. Simón Alegre. Concepción Gimeno de Flaquer (1850- 1919): Her Personal Letters, Short Stories and Journalism

Creative Commons License

Horta Sanz M. J.

Diğer, ss.182-184, 2024

  • Yayın Türü: Diğer Yayınlar / Diğer
  • Basım Tarihi: 2024
  • Sayfa Sayıları: ss.182-184
  • İstanbul Üniversitesi Adresli: Evet


Concepción Gimeno de Flaquer, a Spanish woman in the mid-19th century, was a writer, journalist, editor, publicist, occasional actress, tireless traveler, as well as an active defender of women's rights. Practically self-taught, she wrote novels, short stories, essays, opinion articles, society chronicles and theater reviews and, between 1873 and 1909, she was the editor of three newspapers. This book is an updated and commented edition with an important critical apparatus of a part of her correspondence and short stories, as well as a selection of the most representative journalistic articles of hers which were chosen taking into account the current reader's point of view. The book is the result of Simón Alegre's personal efforts to recover the figure and work of Gimeno de Flaquer, one of the many creators of the 19th century who were despised for being women and modern both by her contemporaries and by later critics, and who were excluded from the canon and practically forgotten until a few years ago. Simón Alegre has compiled her works with great effort, which has helped to locate the majority of her writings between 1873 and 1909. Thanks to this collection, a good part of her work has been gathered for the first time, through which we can get an idea of the author’s personal and political evolution throughout her life.

Key words: Spain – Literature – Journalism – Women – Gimeno de Flaquer