Turkish Physical Society 27th International Physics Congress, Turkey, 1 - 04 September 2010, pp.451
Hyperfine structure measurements of the 5d-shell element neutral Lanthanum have been performed with laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopic technique based on fluorescence detection. The recent hyperfine structure of 48 spectral lines of atomic Lanthanum produced in a hollow cathode discharge have been analysed in the spectral range of 595-635 nm using a ring-dye laser working with the dye Kiton-Red.
The classification program [1] was used to classify 31 new spectral lines which are listed in none of the wavelength tables [2,3]. The hyperfine constants for the upper energy levels of the spectral transitions investigated in present study were determined and compared with references [4,5,6]. Magnetic dipole hyperfine interaction constants A values of two even parity energy levels and one odd parity level have been obtained for the first time.