EACR 2021 Virtual Congress-Innovative Cancer Science: Better Outcomes through Research, 9 - 12 Haziran 2021, ss.1
Investigation Of Possibly Related Genes Determined From Bioinformatic
Analysis Of Multiple Myeloma Whole Genome Transcriptome Data
1Melda Sariman,
1Busra Karacam, 2Mesut Ayer, 1Sema Sirma Ekmekci, 3
Ilknur Suer, 3Kıvanc
Cefle, 3Sukru Palanduz, 3Sukru Ozturk, 4Meliha Nalcaci, 1Neslihan Abaci
1Department Of Genetics, Istanbul University, Aziz Sancar Institute Of Experimental Medicine,
Istanbul, Turkey
2Clinic Of Hematology, İstanbul Haseki Training And Research Hospital, İstanbul, Turkey
3Department Of Internal Medicine, Division Of Medical Genetics, İstanbul University İstanbul
School Of Medicine, İstanbul, Turkey.
4Department Of Internal Medicine, İstanbul University İstanbul School Of Medicine, İstanbul,
Email : melda.sariman@istinye.edu.tr, busrakaracam18@gmail.com, mesutayerdr@hotmail.com,
sirmasem@istanbul.edu.tr, ilknursuer@istanbul.edu.tr, ceflek@istanbul.edu.tr,
spalanduz@istanbul.edu.tr, sozturk@istanbul.edu.tr, mnalcaci@istanbul.edu.tr,
INTRODUCTION: Taking a part of the plasma cell dyscrasias group, Multiple Myeloma (MM) is
characterized by uncontrolled proliferation of malignant plasma cells originating from bone
marrow.Monoclonal Gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) is an asymptomatic premalignant
plasma dyscrasias.
MATERYAL METODS: The expression levels of genes have been investigated in our previous study by
transcriptome from cell pools of MM patients and healthy bone marrow controls. MM group was compared
with healthy bone marrow donor group over RPKM values and candidate genes with the highest expression
in MM group were determined by filtering with control group. Some of candidate genes were analyzed by
molecular properties of the genes determined by using bioinformatics tools in silico.In order to reveal the
direct or indirect relevancy of these genes in MM pathogenesis, we validated these genes in new patient
and control groups.In our study, expression levels of candidate genes acquired from the bone marrow of 38
untreated newly diagnosed MM patients, 23 MGUS and 16 control group were examined by qRT-PCR.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The results were analyzed in SPSS.25 statistical program. Expression
levels of the remaining some candidate genes that we investigated in myeloma pathogenesis showed
statistically significant elevation compared to control group. (p<0,05 and p<0,001). Our investigations have
promising features in terms of containing new therapeutic targets such as LMAN2, EEF2, KDELR1, COPE
needed in MM treatment and DNAJC1 which may have prognostic value in the diagnosis of MM.
CONCLUSION: Performing the validation of candidate genes, our study has added up new insights into
the pathogenesis of MM which is still unclear. We think that these candidate genes may be very important
in terms of individualized medicine in the future, especially since new targeted therapies are needed in MM.
KEY WORDS: Plasma Cell Dyscrasia ,Transcriptome, qRT-PCR,
The Project 30846 was supported by the Research Fund of Istanbul.