Can new pathways be opened for architectural education following the ordeal of the Covid 19 pandemic period? Or is distance architectural education only to be in digital medium?

Yazıcıoğlu Halu Z., Kula Say S.

Mimarist, no.70, pp.60-68, 2021 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)

  • Publication Type: Article / Article
  • Publication Date: 2021
  • Journal Name: Mimarist
  • Journal Indexes: Design & Applied Arts Index
  • Page Numbers: pp.60-68
  • Istanbul University Affiliated: Yes


Can new pathways be opened for architectural education following the ordeal of the pandemic period? Or is distance architectural education only to be in digital medium?

Given the prolonged pandemic conditions, digital means of remote lecturing, which the Academy embraced as an emergency requirement and along with compulsorily aligned with decisions and applications in the course of 2019-2020 academic year spring term, seems to become an obligatory means and medium of teaching in the following fall term and even the year after. On the other hand, this remote lecturing alternative that proves to be a pseudo-solution that renders the economical and administrative problems faced by the universities invisible is being fast adopted by the Council of Higher Education via new decisions and by-laws, to co-exist and surpass, if not to replace face-to-face lecturing in the medium term.

This article aims to analyze this radical change in academia and discuss in particular, its impact on architectural education, and how it can be transformed into a beneficial tool to ameliorate it rather than being an emergency exit. Based on the last months’ remote digital lecturing experiences in comparison to usual face-to-face architectural education practices, the authors’ first point to indispensable requirements to realize remote lecturing via digital means in architectural education. Then the article focuses on the kind of tailoring needed in architectural education to yield successful results with remote lecturing and digital educational means.