In the process of adding publications to YÖKSİS database, only the name information of the co-authors was obtained in the applications of previous years. In recent years, with the arrangement made the arrangement made in YÖKSİS system, the institution information has been started to be taken along with the names of co-authors.
The name and institution information of the co-authors is critical for singularizing publication records in the AVESIS system. Therefore, this process could not be carried out collectively because some of the publication information in the YÖKSİS database does not contain the institution information of the authors and if these records are automatically transferred to the AVESIS system, deficiencies/errors may occur in the institutional data.
However, in order to enable the researchers to add the information registered to YÖKSİS to the system at the stage of adding publications to the AVESİS system, Transferring Records from YÖKSIS Database has been added. With this application, researchers can easily add their publications stored in the YÖKSİS database to the AVESIS system.