International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM), Kos, Greece, 19 - 25 September 2012, vol.1479, pp.1903-1906
Metaheuristic algorithms imitate natural phenomena in order to solve optimization problems. These algorithms are effective on the optimization of structural dynamics problems including vibration control with tuned mass damper (TMD). In this paper, structural dynamics optimization problems were briefly reviewed. As an example, a TMD optimization problem was presented. Harmony Search (HS) algorithm was used to find optimum parameters of TMD mass, stiffness and damping coefficient. The optimization process was conducted to reduce structural displacements of a five story structure. The properties of the structure are the same for all stories except the third story mass. According to the analyses results, the TMD optimized with HS approach is effective to reduce all maximum story displacements.