3rd Internatıonal Eurasıan Conference On Scıence, Engıneerıng And Technology, Ankara, Turkey, 15 - 17 December 2021, pp.135
In this study, we have
investigated emission characteristic of InGaAs- based light emitter that
depends on Gunn effect observed from domain transition along the device. The
devices were grown were grown by the Metal Organic Vapour
Phase Epitaxy (MOVPE) and defined in a simple bar structures with different
channel widths using standard pholithograpy techniques. In the high-speed
Current – Voltage measurements, the threshold electric field was determined
from the beginning of the Negative Differential Resistance (NDR). Electrical
measurements were conducted at a pulse width of applied voltage of 20ns, 40ns
and 60ns. At the onset of NDR, Gunn oscillations have observed with a period of
approximately 1,6 ns. At around the electric field value of NDR, InGaAs light
emitters have started emitting. Above threshold electric value a dractic
increase at the emission has been observed.
Based on the Gunn effect, InGaAs light emitting devices are observed to
be emitted at a wavelength of about 1600 nm.