İNSAN KOPYALAMA VE İSLAM (Human Cloning and Islam)


Fakülteler Matbaası, İstanbul, 2005

  • Yayın Türü: Kitap / Araştırma Kitabı
  • Basım Tarihi: 2005
  • Yayınevi: Fakülteler Matbaası
  • Basıldığı Şehir: İstanbul
  • İstanbul Üniversitesi Adresli: Evet


Bilim dünyası, yirminci asrın sonunda çok büyük bir buluşa imza attı; canlı varlıkların genetik yapısı çözüldü ve bazı hayvanların kopyalanarak çoğaltılması başarıldı. Ardından insanın da kopyalanabileceği söylenmeye başlandı ve bu yönde bazı girişimler oldu… Pek çok bilim adamı bunu, insanlık tarihinin en büyük buluşlarından addetti; bir kısmı da, şimdiye kadar yapılan buluşların en büyüğü ve en önemlisi olarak değerlendirdi. Bu kadar önemli olan buluş neydi? Genetik şifrelerin çözümü ne anlam ifade ediyor? Canlı kopyalama ne demektir? İnsan kopyalanabilir mi? Şu ana kadar herhangi bir insan kopyalandı mı? İnsanlığın en büyük buluşu olarak görülen bu buluş, neden bu kadar önemlidir? İnsanlığa ne gibi hizmetler sunacak? Tarih boyunca insanlığın ortak problemi durumundaki dertlerin ortadan kaldırılmasında nasıl katkıda bulunacak..? Bu sayede milyonlarca insanın ızdırap duyduğu bazı hastalıklara çare bulunabilecek mi? Pek çok insanın korkulu rüyası olan kısırlık, sorun olmaktan çıkacak mı? Yüzyıllardır insanlığın ortak derdi olan açlık sorunu çözülebilecek mi? Kopyalamanın bazı sakıncaları da olabilir mi? İnsanlığın başına bela olacak bazı gelişmelere sebep olabilir mi..? Bu yöndeki gelişmeler biyolojik silah olarak kullanılabilir mi? Kopya insanın sosyal ve dini konumu ne olacak? Dünyaya gelmesine vesile olanlarla akrabalık ilişkisi ne olacak? Kopyalar birbirinin nesi olacak? Bilim adamları bu ve benzeri soruların cevabı mahiyetinde bir takım bilgiler vermekte, yorumlar yapmaktadırlar… İşte bu kitapta bütün bu sorunların cevabını ve konuyla ilgili merak edilen daha başka hususların detaylarını bulacaksınız.
As known, during the late of 20th century, the scientific world achieved a remarkable invention: The genetic cryptogram of human-being was decoded and some animals were clonied and duplicated and then it was appeared to talk about if human can be copied too; afterward some relevant attempts came about. Most of the scientists considered this as one of the significant inventions of history, some of them evaluate as outstanding and the most important one. What is so crucial invention? What does decoding of genetic cryptogram mean? What is the meaning of cloning? Why is so important invention that it is evaluated as the most significant discovery of human being? Which kind of service will it provide to humans? How will it contribute to sort out the common problem of human throughout the history?... Is there any disadvantage? Does it cause some developments which would be problem for humans? Scientists give some responses and explains. Meanwhile, it came up that this achievement will subsequently cause some theological problems; that it will influence on religious faith and ethical values. It is even claimed that human can create and share it with God. Therefore, some Christian religious circles in the West are against this achievements and request from governments not to permit for relevant works. We find this crucial theme is worth to study from Islamic religious perspective and to enlighten our people in this subject. For this aim, we study the genetic achievements under the light of relevant data of Islamic basic sources, the Qur’an and Hadith. Owing to this achievements mentioned by scientists, we studied the advantages and disadvantages by using relevant Qur’anic verses and Hadith records. As new, the most remarkable invention, recent genetic achievement has not been properly studied in the scientific books in Turkish literature. Moreover, there exist who approach to the matter from different perspectives. We took the matter up from the Qur’anic point of view in our Genetik Sifre Kopyalama ve Kur’an (Genetic Code, Cloning and Qur’an) published in the beginning of 2003. However, studying the subject from various aspects did not give opportunities to focus especially on genetic achievements. On the demand of the reader, we need to publish a book which is devoted to genetic developments and supported by pictures and illustrations enable more understanding the matter. On the other hand, it is necessary to reflect the last situation of the recent developments in Genetics. This work thus appears. In the first chapter, we attempt to acquaint with developments and relevant works in Genetics. Starting from plaints we try to study on decoding of genetic code, and technique of genetic coping in accordance with explanations of relevant scientists. In this chapter we also present to reader historical progression of genetic coping with recent development. Afterward, we stress on the possibilities of this matter according to Qur’an. By giving me-ta-examples exist in the Qur’an, we let relevant scholars know. In this respect, we evaluate ‘verbs’ and their ‘subjects’ mentioned in the Qur’an. The other matter in here we focus is what kind of relationship there is between beings and their copies. Besides physical similarities, are there any psychological and emotional parallels? What kind of relation have two beings with each other? Is relationship among them parental? Or are they brother? Here it is worked on these issues. As known, to have genetic codes enable scientists to tamper with them. So scientists, by using new methods both in multiplying human-beings and obtaining gain from plains and animals, undergo a change. Consequently, does this kind of attitude of scientists mean to interfere with divine regulations? Where can be possible of interference with the character and which kind of consequences can come out? All are studied in this chapter. In the second chapter, it is examined on possible advantages and disadvantages of genetic achievements. Is it possible to sort out all diseases through duplicating Genes? Is it possible to produce the gains in so far as necessary? These and similar issues through religious arguments are studied. Alongside advantages, some scientists talk about possible disadvantages. With these achievements, it is said, it is possible to harm to human beings. It is claimed that is possible by producing a virus to exterminate copied-beings that have same genetic configuration. Possible problems regarding to this point are evaluated from religious perspective. In our work, we attempt to draw a path and an aim to scientists rather than/ beside to inform our people about the matter. It is our great hope that this book would contribute to the science even as much as a little.