Recent Research on Geomorphology, Sedimentology, Marine Geosciences and Geochemistry, Atilla Çiner,Stefan Grab,Etienne Jaillard,Domenico Doronzo,André Michard,Marina Rabineau,Helder I. Chaminé, Editör, Springer, London/Berlin , Geneve, ss.1-373, 2022
The shelf between Tekirdağ and Şarkoy, NW Marmara
Sea, is controlled by a major fault system, the Ganos Fault
(GF), which is claimed to be the source of the 7.3
(Ms) earthquake in 1912. The effect of GF and global
sea-level changes on of the shelf between Tekirdağ and
Şarkoy was discussed on the basis of seismic-stratigraphic
data. Two main units (U1, U2) and three para-sequences
(U1a, U1b and U1c) were determined. The para-sequences
(U1b, U1c) are of fluvial origin and are mainly controlled
by the sea-level fluctuations. The sea-bottom morphology
and the thickness of the resulting seismic-stratigraphic
units must have been controlled mainly by the GF.
Moreover, the GF also controls the elevation differences
between the wave-cut terraces along the Tekirdag-Şarkoy
self and the others in the Marmara Sea.