International Conference on Engineering and Natural Sciences, ICENS-2016, Saraybosna, Bosnia And Herzegovina, 24 - 28 May 2016, pp.1650-1658
This paper describes Kyrgyz morphology using the two level model of Koskemnieni with an implementation in the NUVE framework. The morphology is given in 2 steps: morphophonemic processes and Kyrgyz morphotactics. Morphophonemic processes are described by the two level orthographic rules that are indeed lexical-to-surface transformations. Then Kyrgyz morphotactics -the rules of ordering the morpheme affixations- are defined as finite state machines(FSA). The implementation requires the orthography in the form of two level rules, the morphotactics in the form of a FSA along with a root/stem lexicon, and a suffix dictionary. NUVE framework, which is the successor to our previous machine translation framework DILMAC, is used for morphological parsing and morphological machine translation. The Turkish morphology is already available in NUVE. This new description will enable the implementation of a morphological machine translator between Kyrgyz and Turkish languages