The Journal of Teaching and Education, vol.2, no.4, pp.57-65, 2013 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
By tradition, learning programming in a traditional manner is not an insignificant mission and is often linked with many difficulties. In addition, there are many shortcomings in teaching and learning programming in the traditional method in classroom. Therefore, many classic colleges and universities in the Turkey have been forced to embrace distance education on account of the shifting demographics of the student population. However, on-line distance education is a new subject area in Turkey’s universities. Today, there are new ways in learning program as such using virtual learning environments, evolving programming environments and software programs and applications. The information technology exists for this application providing for computer-based instruction or asynchronous and synchronous learning networks. The virtual learning environment is system constructed through internet which incorporates a number of same virtual models for tests, home works, classes, classrooms, and academic fields. These provisions are creating the "virtual campus". It is this technology that supports on-line communications between learners and instructors and supports them to develop portrayals and descriptions of the solutions they are up to. There have been countless methods established to support distance education. However, as each institution has distinctive principles and special needs, a unique system designs must be developed that is designer for the institution. Virtual learning environments are a key to some of the problems of providing a reliable learning environment. Universities in Turkey came across many problems such as lack of finance and physical interaction, and risks to network environment when it is considered giving a real, physical specialist laboratory to teach computer networking. However, we resolved most of our troubles by developing and practicing some techniques. This study is presenting Distance Education Elements, its components and tools. Moreover, it also focuses on Virtual Learning Environments and its advantages and disadvantages for the learners and the teachers. It also offers the timeline of virtual learning environment in the world and Turkey; and the reader will see Distance Education Elements, its components and tools.