한국구비문학회 2016년 춘계학술대회 , Seoul, South Korea, 30 April 2016, pp.51-70
This study aimed to reveal the significance of a tale about the principle of two-layered relationship-building in the narration of the tale, <Goorungdungdungshinsunbee>. The two-layered relationship-building here refers to, first, building of a relationship between a man and a woman as it is shown in the surface of the tale, and second, expanding the significance of the relationship-building ‘between a man and a woman’ into the issue of relationship-building ‘between people’. Such a discussion came from the idea that forming a relationship between a man and a woman in <Goorungdungdungshinsunbee> is ultimately not very different from building a relationship in general dimension. So this study understood the overall narration as ‘relationship-building(birth→the firth relationship-building)/ collapse(violation of taboo)/ recovery(hardship→the second-building), found core conflict composition in each phase, used symbolic analysis about the shapes that that create conflicts and events, and tried to actively interpret the meaning. Also, to re-illustrate such result of discussion as an issue of general relationship-building, this study re-established the sequential structure of ‘relationship-building→crisis in relationship→recovery of relationship’ and conducted an analysis.
The principle of relationship-building that was revealed in the result of the discussion is two-fold. First, when we discover something valuable, the existential possibility in the object of relationship and name it, the other person responds to it and naturally discovers the form that we found and named. As such is our relationship-building, we can achieve growth and development through positive relationship-building. Second, any object of relationship is supposed to have negative existence, a fault. The existence of the aspect of oneself that one can never change for oneself, a fault, should be left on the hands of the object of relationship. If you acknowledge, accept, and conceal it, the relationship will be strengthened and have more mutually beneficial power, but if you reveal and deny it, the relationship has no other way but to encounter crisis. Paying attention to the value of the other and reveal the fault of the other, these two are the big principles that can be found in <Goorungdungdungshinsunbee>.