The Role of Astaxanthin on Transcriptional Regulation of NMDA Receptors Voltage Sensitive Calcium Channels and Calcium Binding Proteins in Primary Cortical Neurons

Altunrende M. E., Gezen-Ak D., Atasoy I. L., Candas E., Dursun E.

NOROPSIKIYATRI ARSIVI-ARCHIVES OF NEUROPSYCHIATRY, vol.55, no.4, pp.295-300, 2018 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier identifier


Introduction: Calcium (Ca) is the phenomenon intracellular molecule that regulate many cellular process in neurons physiologically. Calcium dysregulation may occur in neurons due to excessive synaptic release of glutamate or other reasons related with neurodegeneration. Astaxanthin is a carotenoid that has antioxidant effect in cell. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether astaxanthin affects NMDA subunits, calcium binding proteins and L Type voltage sensitive Ca-channels (LVSCC) in primary cortical neuron cultures in order to see its role in calcium metabolism.