Locality and its Importance in Pure Hair Goat Raising (Capra hircus L.): Example from the Teke Region

Bekiroglu S., Tolunay A.

JOURNAL OF ANIMAL AND VETERINARY ADVANCES, cilt.9, sa.16, ss.2200-2206, 2010 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier


The goal of this study is to designate the local differences in terms of pure hair goat population, forests, ranges, population and income factors as well as the relations between these factors in the Teke Region which is one of the regions with the highest density of pure hair goat population in Turkey. the study material is comprised of 264 settlement units raising goats in the Teke Region. The sample sizes have been determined with layered and simple random sampling techniques. Nonparametric methods have been used in the statistical analyses and the tests have been performed by using the program Statistical Package for Social Sciences 11.0. The results have been verified at a signified level of 5%. At the end of the study, it was revealed that the provinces of Afyon, Burdur and Isparta which are among the main settlement units in the Teke Region are different from each other in terms of factors such as pure hair goats, forests and ranges. It was determined that there is a significant yet weak relation between pure hair goat population and forests, ranges, population and the income gained from other resources and that there is a strong relation between the income gained from goats and the total income.