AFRICAN JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY, vol.10, no.48, pp.9812-9816, 2011 (SCI-Expanded)
This study was carried out in order to investigate the suitability of ash (Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl.), a native tree (species) in Turkey, for pulp and paper making. Four pulping methods, which included NSSC, cold soda, kraft and kraft + anthraquinone pulping processes, were used for this study. The test materials were supplied from two different stands found in Istanbul Bahcekoy region. When ash wood samples as ash 1 and ash 2 chemical contents were analyzed, the chemical components of ash 1 were higher than that of ash 2. Pulps and handsheets were obtained from ash 1 and were suitable for use in papermaking. These pulps were obtained by NSSC (neutral sulfite semi chemical pulping), cold soda, kraft and kraft + anthraquinone processes. Handsheets made from different pulping methods were compared with each other for strength and optical properties. Strength properties were found to be higher for kraft and kraft + anthraquinone processes, while optical properties were found to be higher for cold soda and NSSC processes
Ülkemiz şartlarında yetişen sürdürebilirliği olan mevcut doğal türlerden Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl. odununa, NSSC, Soda, Kraft ve Kraft+anthraquinone (AQ) gibi farklı hamur pişirme yöntemleri uygulayarak selüloz ve kağıt endüstrisinde kaliteli verimli kağıt hamuru (selüloz) hammaddesi olarak kullanabilirliğinin araştırıldığı özgün bir yayındır. Elde edilen farklı kağıt hamurlarının her biri ile yapılan kağıtların direnç ve optik özelliklerinin karşılaştırılması sonucunda yüksek direnç özelliklerinin kraft and kraft + antrakinon, yüksek optik özelliklerinin ise soğuk soda ve NSSC kağıt hamuru pişirme proseslerinden elde edildiği sonucuna varılmıştır.