5th International Black Sea Modern Scientific Research Congress, Rize, Turkey, 08 November 2023, pp.788-796
In this study, zein based nanofibers doped with tin dioxide and various amounts of silver and/or gold nanoparticles, were developed by uniaxial and coaxial electrospinning and characterized. For this purpose, zein (30% w/v) and tin dioxide (10% w/v) containing solutions were prepared with 70/30 ethanol/liquid gold nanoparticles, 70/20/10 ethanol/liquid gold nanoparticle/dimethlyfurfural, 70/15/15 ethanol/liquid gold/liquid silver nanoparticle. To increase the gold amount in nanofibers, solutions were also electrospinned by coaxial system with and without dried gold nanoparticles. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) results showed the formation of ultrafine nanostructures and differences between nanofiber samples were evaluated. Elemental composition of metals identified and Energy Dispersive X-Ray (EDX) mapping results confirmed gold/tin dioxide presence in nanofibers. Since TMA concentration is evaluated as critical indicator to reveal the freshness of seafood products, TMA aqueous solution exposed to square cutted nanofibers in petri dishes. Diameter sizes of Sample 1 were increased after exposed to trimethlyamine solution and heavier fragile film structure structure observed. X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) analysis were performed to compare crystalline structure information after exposure. Results revealed that structural changes in nanofibers can be tested with XRD and SEM results and gas binding functions could be used for intelligent packaging. Therefore, nanofibers loaded with metal nanoparticles may be used as an indicator for sensing seafood product quality for intelligent packaging purposes in the future.