Examining the Social Entrepreneurship Intentions and Antecedents of Turkish Social Entrepreneurship Followers on Online Networks

İrengün O., Tınmaz G.

II. International Conference on Global Competition and Innovation Management, İstanbul, Turkey, 17 - 19 April 2020, pp.42

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Summary Text
  • City: İstanbul
  • Country: Turkey
  • Page Numbers: pp.42
  • Istanbul University Affiliated: Yes


As the time goes by and all kinds of technology develop rapidly, the problems are also developing rapidly. Governments and primarily profit seeking companies are not enough at solving most of the problems. Famine, poorness, lack of clean water, lack of financial support, diseases, lack of medical help, effects of wars are affecting the lives of all humanity in a direct or indirect way. Social entrepreneurs are persons or groups founding and maintaining the entrepreneurship activities which make innovative and self-sufficient financial return by forming social networks in a sustainable manner in view of a social vision.

Today all kinds of organizations have or should have an identity on social media. Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram accounts are necessary for all kinds of organizations for meeting their shareholders. Most of the shareholders of social entrepreneurs and social enterprises are the followers of social media accounts. So, we liked to examine the antecedents and intentions of those followers, if they are capable or willing to start new social entrepreneurial activities. The scale is used in “Determinants of Social Entrepreneurial Intentions” by Kai Hockerts in 2017 and contains statements according to the prior experience, Empathy, Moral Obligation, Self-Efficacy, perceived social support and finally intent to become a social entrepreneur. The purpose of the paper is to discuss the scale and the model of the research with our peers in the congress to be able to continue our research in a more effective way.