The First Tree-Ring Based Temperature Reconstruction For Turkey

KÖSE N., AKKEMİK Ü., GÜNER H. T., Dalfes H. N., Özeren M. S., Kaya A.

IUFRO 7.01CONFERENCE Adaptation of Forest Ecosystems to Air Pollution and Climate Change, Antalya, Turkey, 22 - 26 March 2010, pp.94

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • City: Antalya
  • Country: Turkey
  • Page Numbers: pp.94
  • Istanbul University Affiliated: Yes


Long-term systematic observations  are of vital importance  in order to understand  natural variability of climate, determine  human impacts of climate system, parameterise  the main processes required in models and verify model simulations. Instrumental records span only a tiny fraction  of the Earth's climatic history and so provide inadequate  perspective on climatic variation  and evolution  of climate today.  A  longer  perspective   on  climatic  variability  can  be  obtained   by  the  studies  of  natural phenomena  which are climate-dependent, and which incorporate in to their  structure  a measure of this dependency. Tree-rings as a proxy records have their precise dating to the calendar year, which allows them to be compared directly with instrumental records.

Dendroclimatological  studies,  performed to  understand   past  climate  using  tree  ring  records  in Turkey, revealed mainly reconstruction of spring-summer  precipitation, which is the most important limiting factor  for the growth  of tree  rings in this region. Although  these studies revealed  past dry and wet years in many parts of Anatolia, a temperature reconstruction in Anatolia is still missing. For that  reason the goals of this study are: (1} to built  a new site chronologies  for Abies nordmanniana and Picea orienta/is   (2} to  perform  temperature reconstruction for  Artvin, and then  describe past cool and warm events.

Stem disks were taken from  Abies nordmanniana (Stev.) Mattf. and Picea orienta/is  (L.} Link. trees

from  Artvin - Borkc;:a - Baler - Kayabar Plateau and Kaynarca sites by chainsaw. The width  of each annual ring on cross-sections was measured with  the precision  to the nearest 0.01mm. Because of high correlation between  individual  series, a site chronology  was built  including Abies nordmanniana and  Picea orienta/is  tree  ring  information for  Baler. To identify climate-tree growth  relationship, response function  analysis was calculated. Monthly precipitation and temperature records obtained from climate dataset CRU TS 2.1for  the grid 40°00'-41°50' N, 40°.50'-42°.50' E were used as climate data. The response  function  analysis identified that  March  temperature as the  most  appropriate seasonal predictand  for reconstructions. Based on this result, March temperature reconstruction for the period between AD1620-2006 were built, and extreme events were identified. In this period, the coldest year was determined to be AD 1680, and the warmest year was determined to be AD 1702 in March.