Cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) is a type of cancer, which 5-year survival is lower than 20 %, and which is detected mostly in advanced stage of the disease. Unfortunately, there are no diagnostic tools, which could show changes in the body indicating the development of the disease. Therefore, in this study, we investigate Raman spectroscopy as a promising analytical tool in medical diagnostics and as a method, which would allow to distinguish between healthy patients and patients suffering from cholangiocarcinoma. The obtained Raman spectra showed, that lower intensities of peaks corresponding to amino acids and proteins, as well as higher intensities of peaks originating from lipids vibrations were observed in healthy individuals in comparison with cancer patients. Moreover, Partial Last Square (PLS), Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Hierarchical Component Analysis (HCA) of Raman spectra indicate that the ranges between 800 cm(-1) and 1800 cm(-1), 3477 cm(-1) -3322 cm(-1) and 1394 cm(-1) - 1297 cm(-1) allow to distinguish cancer patients from healthy ones. The obtained results showed, that Raman spectroscopy is a good candidate, to become in future one of the diagnostic tools of Cholangiocarcinoma. (c) 2022 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.