UNITECHT 2016 Gabrovo, International Scientific Conference, , Gabrovo, Bulgaristan, 18 - 19 Kasım 2016, cilt.1, ss.413-419
An electrical. resistiviğı toünography (ERT) nıethod yielding an infornıation on resistivily changes in both vertical
and lateral directions has been applied to contribute to landscape design by investigating groundwater potential in the
Mqcedonia Campııs area (Edirne, north-westerıı Tıırkelı). The ERT studieş were performed using q Wenn.erSchlumberger electrode array along 24 profiles in ıhe directions of N-S and E-W. The ERT tomograms obtained by 2-
D inversion of appareııt-ı"esistiııit! data clearly identiJied shallow sııbsurface conditions of the survey area. Based on
the results, we can conclııde that groıındu,ater level has not been observed in the area since shallow subsıırf'ace is
dominated by high clay conlent. Therefore, it is sııggested ıhaı ıuhen preparing the landscape design project for the
area green infrastrııcture and xeriscaping will be used.