Gold Mining in Turkey

Dooan O. S.

JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHY-COGRAFYA DERGISI, no.13, pp.151-157, 2005 (ESCI) identifier

  • Publication Type: Article / Article
  • Publication Date: 2005
  • Journal Indexes: Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), TR DİZİN (ULAKBİM)
  • Page Numbers: pp.151-157
  • Keywords: Gold, Mining, Turkey, World
  • Istanbul University Affiliated: No


Gold which has been using both as ornament and as coin since from past until today is an important metal also used in may field today by means of its features like easy processing, resistance against wearing, conducting electricity and heat easily. Recent developments in gold mining have caused more researches have been made on this issue also in our country. Important steps about gold researching and processing have been taken in our country especially during 1980's. As a result of feasibility studies carried out on this issue, it has been determined that there are 7 gold mines totally. These are Bergama-Ovacik gold mine, Gumushane-Mastra gold mine, Sivrihisar-Kaymaz gold mine, Izmir-Efemcukuru gold mine and Usak-Kisladag gold mine. Today, only Bergama-Ovacik gold mine among these mines is operated. However, the feasibility studies required for transforming the other mines into a status that can be operated are continued. The gold which is a pure metal having possibility for being used in many fields like trade, medical, industry and space sciences shall protect its importance also in the future as in the past. Because of this reason, gold mine potential of our country should be determined and possibilities for using it in most suitable manner should be researched.