Narratives Through Turkish Perspective - Transmedia Storytelling And Intertextuality Examples In The Postnetwork Era

Pembecioğlu N.

Argonaut Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 2014

  • Publication Type: Book / Research Book
  • Publication Date: 2014
  • Publisher: Argonaut Publishing House
  • City: Cluj-Napoca
  • Istanbul University Affiliated: Yes


New technologies help people to improve their intrapersonal,
interpersonal and international communication. With the help
of the re-told stories, people simulate real life situations and
experience a kind of pseudo communication to empathy the
‘others’ and understand the self. This study focuses on the
narratives in the modern world in the form of television
serials, cinema films or computer games as a tool to make the
individuals communicate within the given society and the
outer societies providing them a context to structure, restructure,
re-position the selves in the re-established reality at
different layers.
Narratives are important not only because they provide a kind
of socialization period and sharing information but also they
create the public sense, public sensitivity or tolerance and
establish a kind of public opinion. Networks on the other hand
are providing us new type of tailored narratives in which the
individual could position the ‘self’ and learn more about the
reality. Whereas the individual becomes so complex in themodern era, more complex is the relationship between the
reality and filmic reality. The thin line becomes even thinner,
with the wiser storytelling strategies; one of them is
transmedia storytelling and putting intertextual elements into
the story as to make it more connected to the real world. Thus,
the audiences experience a deeper degree of attachment to the
characters in the serials and follow them from one media to the
other. Since this kind of intermingling storytelling approach is
the first attempt on Turkish television serials, the study
mainly focuses on the technique, the impact on the audience
and its implications. In this study, the concept of ‘narration’ is
considered to be the main concern and alternative ways of
storytelling were questioned and analyzed regarding the Fox
TV narratives and cinema films.