Extracapsular spread in ipsilateral neck and contralateral neck metastases in laryngeal cancer

Suoglu Y., Erdamar B., Katircioglu O., Karatay M., Sunay T.

ANNALS OF OTOLOGY RHINOLOGY AND LARYNGOLOGY, cilt.111, sa.5, ss.447-454, 2002 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier identifier


We investigated the incidence of extracapsular spread (ECS) and the impact of ECS on contralateral neck metastasis in 67 patients with ipsilateral nodal metastasis (IpN+) whose records were extracted retrospectively from those of 155 laryngeal cancer patients. The incidence of ECS in association with variables was determined: T stage, N stage, tumor location, tumor extension, number of positive nodes, and contralateral neck status. The variables were evaluated to identify their impact on the rates of contralateral neck metastasis (CNM) and 3-year survival. Of the 67 patients, 30 (44.7%) had ECS. A significant relationship was found between ECS positivity and increased N stage, tumor extension up to the midline, number of positive nodes, and CNM (p=.04, p=.0001, p=.018. p=.0001, respectively). Multivariate analysis revealed that N stage (p=.002; odds ratio, 3.5517) and the presence of ECS (p=.0036; odds ratio, 7.7840) in IpN+ were associated with the greatest risk of CNM. The 3-year survival rate of patients with ipsilateral ECS was significantly lower than that of patients without ECS (43% versus 81%, p=.0002). Both CNM and presence of ECS in IpN+ emerged as significant independent predictors for survival with Cox multivariate analysis (p=.0086 and p=.0234, respectively). This result indicates the necessity of treating the contralateral NO neck in cases of IpN+ with ECS.