Intercity Number Theory Seminar, Utrecht, Netherlands, 24 March 2017, pp.2
Abstract. In recent work we computed, for any totally real number field K with ring of
integers o, the Fourier coefficients of the Jacobi Eisenstein series of integral weight
and lattice index of rank one and with modified level one on SL(2,o) attached to the
cusp at infinity. This result has a number of important consequences: it provides the
first concrete example for the expected lift from Jacobi forms over K to Hilbert
modular forms, it shows that a Waldspurger type formula holds true in this concrete
case (as also expected for the general lifting), and finally it gives us a clue for the
Hecke theory still to be developed by giving a concrete example for the action of
Hecke operators on Fourier coefficients.
In this talk we recall the basic notions of the theory of Jacobi forms over number
fields as developed in [BoBo], discuss the general theory of Jacobi Eisenstein series
over number fields, and explain in more detail those points in the deduction of our
formulas which are not straight forward and require some new ideas. Finally we
discuss the indicated implications concerning the arithmetic theory of Jacobi forms
over number fields.
References: [BoBo] Boylan, H., "Jacobi forms, finite quadratic modules and Weil
representations over number fields", Lecture Notes in Mathematics, volume 2130,
Springer International Publishing 2015.