Istanbul University Observatory

Fişek S.

15th Gaia Science Alerts and ORP Time-Domain Workshop, Heraklion, Greece, 30 September - 02 October 2024

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Unpublished
  • City: Heraklion
  • Country: Greece
  • Istanbul University Affiliated: Yes


Founded in 1991, Istanbul University Observatory Research and Application Center has a Solar Observatory, it was established in 1936 and consists of an Astrograph and its equipment in the main building and a telescope named IST40 (40cm primary mirror) established in 2013. These units are used very effectively in direct research and public education astronomy. In addition, within the framework of a protocol with Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University, the observatory has a telescope known as IST60 (60cm primary mirror) on Canakkale. IST40 and IST60 telescopes are used effectively for many scientific projects, and we also contribute to follow-up observations by observing with these telescopes; especially Gaia follow-up and occultation observations.