, cilt.0, sa.0, ss.1-15, 2021 (Hakemsiz Dergi)
Motivated by the successes of Yarman’s Approach that engendered YARK (Yarman-Arık-Kholmetskii) theory of gravity, we question the correctness of Natural Units commonly used in Quantum Field Theory and other areas of physics and advance a suitable way of normalizing SI in order to make the utmost theoretical speed limit of light c and the Planck Constant h unities, as well as universal constants, respectively. Our metrological approach reveals a rectified value for the elementary charge e when SI is normalized and then re-normalized without disturbing the meaningfulness of the related physical dimensions. All this is especially relevant within the context of the 20 May 2019 international decision to fix the Planck Constant to a definite value while letting the kilogram vary instead. One thus remarkably ends up with the need to restore the uncertainty parts of the elementary charge in contrast to the latest redefinition.
Keywords: Metrology, SI, Natural Units, Planck Constant, Fine Structure Constant, Elementary Charge