Kazak Destanlarındaki Oikumen Kavramı

Tezin Türü: Yüksek Lisans

Tezin Yürütüldüğü Kurum: Al-Farabi Kazak Milli Üniversitesi, Şarkiyat, TURKSOY, Kazakistan

Tezin Onay Tarihi: 2014

Tezin Dili: Rusça

Öğrenci: Muhabbat Kasymova

Danışman: Oraz Sapashev


Folklore is a reflection of the mentality of any ethnic group. Spaces are what the ancient nomads of the Eurasian continent mastered. This is evidenced by various rock paintings and written monuments found in various regions of Eurasia. These rock paintings and monuments were left by the ancestors of the Turks and are at this stage a cultural heritage. The concept of "oikumena" is clearly reflected in the Turkic folklore in general and in the epics in particular. This concept of "ecumene", having studied it comprehensively, will facilitate the cultural cooperation of the Turkic-speaking countries among themselves. Also, the concept of "ecumene" will be possible to use as a general term of space in the geopolitics of the Turkic world.

The subject of this study is to identify a common understanding of the "oikumena" among the Turkic ethnic groups in the context of epics.

The aim of the research of this thesis is to define the concept of "ecumene" as sacred in Turkic folklore in general, in heroic epics in particular, as a single whole in the culture and life of the Turks.

The main objectives of the thesis: to analyze the materials and determine the role of the concept of "ecumene" or the development of space in the Turkic epics, taking into account the ethnic values ​​reflected in these materials of oral and written creativity.