WoS Research Areas:
Social Sciences (Soc), Social Sciences General, Law
Avesis Research Areas:
Social Sciences and Humanities, Law, Civil Law, Legal Aspects of Labor and Social Security, Intellectual and Industrial Property Law, Information Law
- aksum@istanbul.edu.tr
- Web Page
- http://istanbuluniversitesi.hukukfakultesi.gen.tr/akademisyen.asp?ID=159
- Office Phone
- +90 212 440 0000 Extension: 10804
- Office Phone
- +90 212 440 0000 Extension: 10958
- Office
- Hukuk Fakültesi Binasi ikinci Kat Oda no: 38
- Address
- Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aksu İ. Ü. Hukuk Fakültesi Medeni Hukuk Anabilim Dalı Beyazıt/İstanbul/Türkiye Medeni Hukuk Anabilim Dalı