Mehmet Arisan completed his primary, secondary and high school education at TED Ankara College and took his BSc from Bilkent University, Department of Political Science. He continued his education at the University of Essex, Department of Government and took his MA in Ideology and Discourse Analysis. Before starting his PhD studies he carried out a research on Turkish political culture and perception of political power at the Department of Near Eastern Language and Civilization at the University of Chicago. He took his PhD from the University of Essex, Department of Government, where he wrote a dissertation under the supervision of Prof. Ernesto Laclau on Turkish political modernization and democratic culture.
Between 2005 and 2007, he gave lectures at Bilkent University and Middle East Technical University (METU) on Political Science, Media, Semiology, Psychoanalysis, Political Culture, Modernization and Political Psychology. Between 2008 and 2012 he lectured at the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences at Istanbul Technical University on political science, world politics, modern Turkish politics and on the concept of modern state both on the undergraduate and graduate levels. From 2012 to 2014 he worked at TED University as an Assistant Professor and taught World Politics, Political History of the World and Introduction to Political Science. Currently he is a full time Associate Professor at Istanbul University, Faculty of Political Science, Department of International Relations. His current research interests are Political Discourse Analysis, Formation of Political Subjectivities, Collapse of the Ottoman Empire and Turkish Political Modernization, Post-Colonial Theory and Nationalism, Theories of Democracy.