Jean Monnet Module Chair : COPFUTUREU (Challenges and Opportunities for the Future of Europe)
Project Manager: DD-TECH (Digital Diplomacy: Building the Common Future with Technology (Erasmus+ KA2)
Project Manager: Learn2Unite (NATO Public Diplomacy Grant)
Project Manager: Reconciling Space and Social Sciences (TUBİTAK - 3005 Project)
Areas of Interest: Central and Eastern European Politics, European Studies, Diplomacy, Digital Diplomacy, Space Diplomacy, Public Diplomacy, EU Policies, European Integration, Poland’s Foreign Policy, Space Studies
Özgün Erler Bayır is a professor of international relations and a member of staff at the Department of Political Science and International Relations of the Istanbul University, Faculty of Political Sciences. She is also the Executive Committee Member at the Istanbul University, International Projects Office. She is an expert on European studies, foreign policy analysis, diplomacy, security studies, digital diplomacy, space studies in social sciences, disinformation, science diplomacy, EU policies, and Eastern European politics.
Her Ph.D. thesis is titled “Dilemma between Atlanticism and Europeanization in Poland’s Foreign Policy” (2011). She has completed the Jean Monnet Module at Istanbul University on "Future of EU: Security, Economy and Transatlantic Relationship - FUTUREU" (2020-2023). She is also the Coordinator of the Erasmus+ KA220-HED project titled "Digital Diplomacy: Building the Common Future with Technology" (DD-Tech) between the years 2022-2025. Besides, she is the Project Coordinator of "Youth Vision for the Future of Turkey-NATO Relations (YouthenNATO)", NATO Public Diplomacy Division Grants in 2022. Her second NATO Public Diplomacy Division’s Grant is for the project titled “Learn to Unite: Simulation-based Learning to Unite Against NATO’s Emerging Challenges” in 2023. She is also the Project Manager of TÜBİTAK 3005 - Support Program for Innovative Solutions Research Project in Social Sciences titled "Reconciling Social Sciences and Space: Shaping the Future with Interdisciplinary Perspective to the New Space Ecosystem" (2022-2024). Currently, she is conducting a Jean Monnet Module on "COPFUTUREU: Challenges and Opportunities for the Future of Europe" between 2023-2026.
She has published articles on several international relations issues in journals and two books. Her first book was published in 2012, titled “Dilemma between Atlanticism and Europeanization in Poland’s Foreign Policy” and her second book was published in 2023, titled “New - New Diplomacy”. In addition, she teaches several undergraduate and postgraduate courses; some of them are on Turkish Foreign Policy, Introduction to IR, Comparative Foreign Policy Analysis, Foreign Policy Analysis, Turkey and EU Relations, Security Studies, Polish Foreign Policy etc. She is the associate editor of the SSCI International Relations Journal (Uluslararası İlişkiler) indexed in SSCI.
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- +90 212 440 0000 Extension: 12366
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- +90 212 440 0020
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- İstanbul Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Beyazıt İstanbul