The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of three different cooking methods on the quality and shelf life of crayfish during chilled storage. The changes in the physical, chemical, microbiological and sensory qualities of three different cooked crayfish (boiled: BC: sous vide cooked: SVC and microwaved: MC) were monitored during chilled storage (2 +/- 0.7 degrees C). Crayfish were cooked by three cooking methods were cooled by blast chiller. After cooking process, the lowest cooking loss was the SVC group as 1.25 g. The yield percentage was observed for cooked crayfish different cooking methods (sous vide, microwaved, and boiling) was 97.29, 96.27, and 94.40% respectively. Results demonstrated that the microbial and chemical safety of all cooked crayfish were not overall satisfactory for human consumption on the 28 days. However, after 21 days of storage, only the SVC and BC groups, except MC, had acceptable sensory scores from the cooked crayfish. Practical applications Crustaceans are general commonly cooked in boiling water all over the world. This habit has a irritating impact on the consumers in terms of do not contain animal welfare and due to nutritional losses. The present study involves the changes in the physical, chemical, microbiological and sensory qualities of three different cooked crayfish (boiled: BC: sous vide cooked: SVC and microwaved: MC) were monitored during chilled storage. Sous vide cooking is recommended to replace traditional cooking methods that seriously affect cooked crayfish due to nutrient losses and quality.