Yayınlar & Eserler

SCI, SSCI ve AHCI İndekslerine Giren Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler

Diğer Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler

Hakemli Kongre / Sempozyum Bildiri Kitaplarında Yer Alan Yayınlar

Türkiye’de İç Güvenliğin Sağlanması Sürecinde Dijital İletişim Sistemlerinin Etkin Kullanımına İlişkin Farkındalığın Belirlenmesi

Dijital Çağda Güvenliğin Dönüşümü ve Bir İç Güvenlik Aktörü Olarak Polis” Sempozyumu, İstanbul, Türkiye, 3 - 04 Nisan 2019, ss.159-175

Türkiye’de İç Güvenliğin Sağlanması Sürecinde Dijital İletişim Sistemlerinin Etkin Kullanımına İlişkin Farkındalığın Belirlenmesi

Dijital Çağda Güvenliğin Dönüşümü ve Bir İç Güvenlik Aktörü Olarak Polis’ Sempozyumu, İstanbul, Türkiye, 3 - 04 Nisan 2019, ss.159-175

Reading the 'Resistance' Perception Against the Violence in the Context of Frustration in the Middle East

II. International Social Sciences and Humanities Berlin Conference, Berlin, Almanya, 17 - 20 Mayıs 2018, ss.60 Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma

Reading New Media Representations Through Dramaturgical Model: The Answer to the Question “Which Me?” in the Context of Exteriorization of Multiple Selves through Instagram

Entrepreneurship and Innovation in New Media Ecosystem: Proceedings of 3rd International New Media Conference, İstanbul, Türkiye, 20 Nisan 2017, ss.95-125 Creative Commons License

An Analysis on Female Columnists’ Sensibility on Women’s Issues in the Context of Intellectual Responsibility

6th International Conference on Gender Studies: Gender, Conflict, War and Peace, Gazimagusa, Kıbrıs (Kktc), 23 - 25 Mart 2017, ss.30-42

A Reading of Gender Based Representation of the Marginalized in Turkish Media: Representation of Homosexual Syrian Refugees in Turkish Media

6th International Conference on Gender Studies: Gender, Conflict, War and Peace, Gazimagusa, Kıbrıs (Kktc), 23 - 25 Mart 2017, ss.18-19 Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma

Yeni Toplumsal Hareketler ve Siberaktivizm: Ağ toplumunun Sibermekanda Direnme Biçimleri Üzerine Nitel Bir Araştırma

Ege University 13th International Cultural Studies Symposium, Türkiye, 1 - 04 Mayıs 2011, ss.109-123

Oryantalist Ötekileştirme Anlayışının Yeni Medyada Sürdürülme Biçimleri: Ahmed & Salim Örneği

International Conference of New Media and Interactivity, Türkiye, 1 - 04 Nisan 2010, ss.300-306

Kitap & Kitap Bölümleri

Obscene Actors Of The Consumptıon Market: Mıcro Celebrıtıes And Indıvıdual Awareness

Evaluatıon Of Socıal Changes And Hıstorıcal Events Based On Health, Economy And Communıcatıon In A Globalızıng World, Aydemir L. , Editör, Dora, Bursa, ss.83-110, 2019

Obskürantizm Bağlamında Türk Modernleşmesini Yeniden Okumak: Hayat Mecmuası Örneği

Türkiye'de Basından Medyaya Değişim, Dönüşüm ve Modernleşme, Gündüz U. , Editör, Çizgi Kitabevi, İstanbul, ss.269-305, 2019

Negative Vigilante In Turkish Media As An Instance Of The Violence: The Case Of Yeni Akit Newspaper

Migration, Politics, Violence and Women's Studies, Aydemir L. , Editör, Verlag Dr. Kovac, Hamburg, ss.287-301, 2018 Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma

From The Utopia Of Information Society To The Dystopia Of Courage And Ignırance: Reading Social Media As Sites Of Agnotology

Contemporary Discussions In Turkey And Beyond, Taylor W., Editör, Agp Research, London, ss.16-23, 2018

Dunning Kruger Etkisiyle Kolektivitenin Büyüsünü Okumak: Türkiye'de Kolektif Zeka

Kolektif Zeka, Morva O., Saka E., Editör, Kalkedon, İstanbul, ss.97-123, 2018

"“Confrontation” and “Media” Relationality from PsychoPolitical Perspective: A Reading on the Effect of Media in the Process of Germany Confronting its History"

Papers Presented at the Humanities and Social Sciences Conference, AGP Research, Editör, AGP Academic Research, Valletta, ss.52, 2018

Reading New Media Representations Through Dramaturgical Model: The Answer to the Question “Which Me?” in the Context of Exteriorization of Multiple Selves through Instagram

Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Akçay D., Sarıkaya T., Doğan O., Editör, Istanbul Gelişim University Press, İstanbul, ss.95-125, 2017

Reading New Media Representations Through Dramaturgical Model: The Answer to the Question “Which Me?” in the Context of Exteriorization of Multiple Selves through Instagram

Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Akçay D.,Sarıkaya T.,Doğan O., Editör, Istanbul Gelişim University Press, İstanbul, ss.95-125, 2017

A Comparative Analysis of the Representation of Syrian Refugees in Turkish and Diasporic Media: The Case of “etilaf.org”

Media, Diaspora and Confict, Ola Ogunyemi, Editör, Palgrave Palgrave Macmillan, Palgrave Macmillan, London, Cham, ss.189-204, 2017

An Analysis on Female Columnists' Sensibility on Women's Issues in the Context of Intellectual Responsibility

Gender, Conflict, War And Peace, Erbilen Ü. S., Gürşimşek I. A. , Editör, Eastern Mediterranean University Press, Gazimagusa, ss.124-140, 2017 Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma

A Reading of Gender Based Representation of the Marginalized in Turkish Media: Representation of Homosexual Syrian Refugees in Turkish Media

Gender, Conflict, War And Peace, Erbilen Ü. S., Gürşimşek I. A. , Editör, Eastern Mediterranean University Press, Gazimagusa, ss.140-155, 2017 Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma

A Reading on the Relation Between Inorganic Modernization and Mass Media in the Context of Agnotology and the Case of "İşte Benim Stilim: All Star" Tv Show

Communication And Media Researches, Arslan H., İçbay M.A., Ruggiero C. , Editör, E-Bwn, Bialystok, ss.293-301, 2017

A Comparative Analysis of the Representation of Syrian Refugees in Turkish and Diasporic Media: The Case of “etilaf.org”

Media, Diaspora and Confict, Ola Ogunyemi, Editör, Palgrave Palgrave Macmillan, Palgrave Macmillan, London, Cham, ss.189-204, 2017

A Comparative Analysis of the Representation of Syrian Refugees in Turkish and Diasporic Media: The Case of “etilaf.org”

Media, Diaspora and Confict, Ola Ogunyemi, Editör, Palgrave Palgrave Macmillan, Palgrave Macmillan, London, Cham, ss.189-204, 2017

Reading New Media Representations Through Dramaturgical Model: The Answer to the Question “Which Me?” in the Context of Exteriorization of Multiple Selves through Instagram

Entrepreneurship and Innovation in New Media Ecosystem: Proceedings of 3rd International New Media Conference, Asst. Prof. Dr. Deniz Akçay Res. Asst. Tugay Sarıkaya Res. Asst. Onur Doğan, Editör, Istanbul Gelisim University Press, İstanbul, ss.95-125, 2017

A Reading of Gender Based Representation of the Marginalized in Turkish Media: Representation of Homosexual Syrian Refugees in Turkish Media

Gender, Conflict, War And Peace, Erbilen Ü. S.,Gürşimşek I. A., Editör, Eastern Mediterranean University Press, Gazimagusa, ss.140-155, 2017 Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma

An Analysis on Female Columnists' Sensibility on Women's Issues in the Context of Intellectual Responsibility

Gender, Conflict, War And Peace, Erbilen Ü. S.,Gürşimşek I. A., Editör, Eastern Mediterranean University Press , Gazimagusa, ss.124-140, 2017 Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma

An Analysis on Female Columnists' Sensibility on Women's Issues in the Context of Intellectual Responsibility

Gender, Conflict, War And Peace, Erbilen Ü. S.,Gürşimşek I. A., Editör, astern Mediterranean University Press, Gazimagusa, ss.124-140, 2017 Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma

An Attempt of Reading From Agamben's Homo Sacer To Modern Teo-Economicus

Research on Communication, Ruggiero C., Arslan H., İçbay M.A., , Editör, E-Bwn, Bialystok, ss.19-29, 2017

A Reading of Gender Based Representation of the Marginalized in Turkish Media: Representation of Homosexual Syrian Refugees in Turkish Media

Gender, Conflict, War And Peace, Erbilen Ü. S.,Gürşimşek I. A., Editör, astern Mediterranean University Press, Gazimagusa, ss.140-155, 2017 Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma


CONTEMPORARY APPROACHES IN EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATION, Arslan H.; Içbay, M.A.; Gallard, A. J.; Ramos, S. L., Editör, Peterlang, Frankfurt, ss.413-429, 2016

Talk's About Disproportionate Intelligence and Cultural Capital Of Millennial (Y) Generation in the Digital Activisim as Antidote of Sleeping Media: The Case Of Gezi Park Resistance

Sleeping With The Media, Vercic D., Vercic T.A., Sriramesh K. , Editör, University Of Ljubljana Faculty Of Social Sciences, Ljubljana, ss.78-86, 2016

Gelenekten Geleceğe Orta Doğu Medyasi: Yerel Gerçekler ve Küresel Dinamikler Kıskacında Orta Doğu Medyasının Geleceği

İletişim Politikalarında Küreselleşme - Uluslararası İletişimin Ekonomi Politiği, Bostancı M., Editör, Chivy Yazıları Yayınevi, İstanbul, ss.139-183, 2012

Medıa Lıteracy Through Derrıda's Deconstructıon:The Case of the Reflection of Anti-Militarists in Turkey on Media Texts

Challenges in International Communication, Kefalak M., Pasadeos Y., Editör, Athens Institute For Education And Research (Athens), Atina, ss.69-81, 2012

Yeni Dünya Düzeni’nin Rizomları:“Araplar ve Sosyal Medya”

Hepimiz Globaliz Hepimiz Yereliz, Sözen E., Editör, Alfa Yayınları, İstanbul, ss.165-187, 2012

Türkiye'de Gazeteciler ve Basın Mesleğini Temsil Edenler

Basın Yayın Ve Enformasyon Genel Müdürlüğü, İstanbul, 2009




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